The End Of The Cartel (2016) Movie

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Covers Posters (winter's Tale) Hello to all the s I Know lately there has been a lot of variety in the blog and that almost all have been reviews, but I had many readings in a short time and did not want me to hoard. Films 2016 FilmaffinityAsí that today, for a change, I bring a new entry dedicated to compare the covers of a book and the posters of his movie adaptation. Normally I know that you like this section, since that tends to be the more comments it generates, so I hope you like the comparison of today. Order The King Of The Losers (2017) Movie. Nombres De Peliculas 2016' title='Nombres De Peliculas 2016' />La work chosen is the Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin. When I talk about the book, I usually refer to it as the unmentionable and that was my worst reading of 2. I think my disappointment was so great because he had previously seen its film adaptation (which I don't know if you can call it that) and for me it was a beautiful story and well-developed, that in the end had almost nothing to do with the book. COVERS OF the BOOK WINTER's TALE by MARK HELPRIN What are the best At a visual level, the original (the first two) is not bad and is the most appropriate for the story. The last is with an image of its movie adaptation and I love it, but as then it has nothing to do with the story, I do not see sense. What are the worst Looking design, the less I like about it is the 4th of the first row, the others I think are passable and are not ugly. POSTERS OF THE MOVIE WINTER'S TALE (2. MY OPINION OF THE FILM AND ITS DIFFERENCES WITH THE BOOK AQUÍOpinión of the posters: To me the poster of this movie I still love it, although I found interesting the change of tone between the poster in English and Spanish. Personally, I prefer the orange tones. In any case, except the first of the 2nd row, it seems to me that to focus only on the face of the couple makes it lose the magic, the other promotional images I like a lot and I think that transmitted the touch of magic and romance that has the history. Have you read the book or seen the movie What's your cover favorite do You like the posters I look forward to your comments : -). Between the reading and the cinema: Covers Posters (Premonition) Hey tod s Since I'm out here again, I know that in the last few weeks I have not posted as much as I had planned, but since I resumed the reading and the blog will have reviews and more activity. Of time, today what I bring you is a new entry dedicated to compare the different covers of a book and the posters that have its movie adaptation. The work chosen is the Premonition of Guillaume Musso. The book I liked and while it was a love story, I fell in love with the relationship between the main protagonists, that despite being divorced, they remembered that they had lived together in a very poignant (with their good moments and their bad moments). As for the movie, I must say that not I so glad, because that missed the strong points of the book and made it very believable feelings between the protagonists. Sings Film 2016 OnlineEl Duelo Película 2016Reseña of Premonition of Guillaume Musso aquíPortadas of the book What I have first, which is illustrated with the movie poster : -) At first I liked it a lot, but when you read the book, I think that was perfect. What I like I have a weakness for the 6th of the first row(which also has a picture of the movie) because I really see drama as the couple embraces, and gives me what I felt in the book. The German(who have the title Ein Engel im Winter and that is the 6th of the 2nd row and the 2nd from the 3rd row) I like the combination of colors and the solitude of the silhouette that is seen. Posters of the Week (26-02 October, 2016) 268. Chapter final;. MrLuellin 14 August, 2017 01:01:35 am. The posters of the new film of Darren. Entries on Premieres, 7 – 9 December 2016 written by lmaq1 and Zorn. Film posters film Posters from all a few main Menu. Posts about Premieres 2 December 2016 written. Film posters of all few. And another, although I think it could be better, it is the 3rd of the 3rd row, since the figure of children symbolizes a key moment. What I do not like All the others, I don't know, if it would save the 4th of the first row, but that seems to me of very poor taste is the 3rd of the 2nd row of the truth that, although the book speaks of the death, I do not understand who comes to put those feet of dead body with label. And now, we're going with the film. Opinion of the movie differences with the book aquíPosters of the movie is My favorite After reading the book, the first. I think that is the one that best fits with the story. Another that I like is the asian, which is the 4th of the 2nd row, since it does not focus the attention on the couple and, although it puts them hugging on the bottom, do not you understand the excess that there will be romance in the movie (which in fact, is non-existent). What I do not like All the others. Is not that they are bad images, but the 2nd it seems to me that you try to sell us a thriller and the other sold romance but it turns out that the movie to me is nothing of the sort. And taking into account what I said of the picture of the couple on the cover of the books, I'm going to explain: the image of the embracing couple is beautiful, and the book fits very well, but bearing in mind that the movie almost does not show anything of their relationship, it seems to me that the poster sells a type of story that is not. What do you think What is your cover poster favorite What you don't like what you Have read the book or seen the movie I Hope your opinions : -).