See Christ, The Lord (2016)

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OFM Bolivia Order of the Friars Minor of the Missionary Province of San Antonio of Bolivia. A beautiful day rises and we give thanks to God, gathered in the chapel and celebration of the Eucharist votive of the Holy Spirit, with the Lutes, presided over by Bro. Oscar Armando Montoya and preparing. Read More. We began the day with the prayer of Lauds, presided over by Bro. Juan Carlos Calderon, Warden of the convent of san Francisco de Cochabamba. Campaign Medical Kumani June 2017. Organize a campaign medical involves a lot of work. In many areas volunteers are supporting so that we can cater to. The Lord of the Miracles of the Nazarene, most commonly called the Lord of the Miracles is an image of jesus Christ originally painted on an adobe wall. KFMEDvdKdY/WFKpyqjuNmI/AAAAAAAACao/88BNYto-i2EHzNKePjqZix1SzPzbCOCzgCLcB/s1600/saeta%2Bdos%2Bvoces.png' alt='Ver Cristo, El Señor (2016) ' title='Ver Cristo, El Señor (2016) ' />A the for 8.3. Br. Marcelo Garrón and. Read More. The first day of the Chapter, we have deliberate points of importance about the reports of the President of the Chapter, the Provincial and other sectors, with the aim of establishing what has been. Read More. The Provincial Minister of the Order of Friars Minor in Bolivia and the family Abiyu Zacara, invite you to Holy Eucharist, the day 1. Read More. I give thanks that gave me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because they considered me worthy of their trust, poníendome in the ministry (1. Animals (2015) The Movie High Quality here. Tm 1,1. 2). PRAYER BEFORE THE CRICIFIJO OF SAN DAMIANO. Ver Cristo, El Señor (2016) ' title='Ver Cristo, El Señor (2016) ' />Oh most High and glorious. Read More. The bulletin of November 2. Moratorium made in the last days of October past. This fact resulted in great insights and dreams for the younger siblings. Read More. The message of the Definitor General, on the occasion of the Moratorium, held in Tarata, 2. October 2. 01. The Moratorium was, without doubt, one of the celebrations historic in a time where of. Read More. Dear brothers, may The Lord give them the peace the celebration of the feast of our holy founder, father and brother Francisco, we are once again fascinated by his person, his action and his message. San Francisco, with. Read More. Since the document is available, The cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, a subsidy of the Franciscan Order of the year 2. This material begins: “But ask the beasts, and. Read More. Is already at your disposal the Bulletin, September 2. Vision of the Seraph and the impression of the sores, Pope Francis in the Portiuncula, a VISIT TO THE BASILICA. Lord of Miracles (Lima). Original image of the Lord of Miracles. The image of the Lord of the Miracles, travels in procession the streets of Lima. Music sacred” or “litrgica” is “that which, created for the holding of divine worship, possesses the qualities of holiness and perfection of forms. Meetings to worship the image were the Friday night, lit by the flames of wax; bearing flowers, perfuming the air with incense, chanting prayers accompanied by harp, boxes, and vihuelas. With the time, was increasing the pilgrimage. Many times were events of a different nature to the religious practices. Seeing with bad eyes to all these facts, the parish Priest of San Sebastian, José Mena, causes of knowledge to the then viceroy Count of Lemos, don Pedro Antonio Fernández de Castro to intervene as authority for prohibiting the meetings and give the order to irrevocably delete the Christ, since, according to his criterion, he was out of the religious cults. The Viceroy transfer the request to the highest ecclesiastical authority, which at that time was the Provider, and Vicar-General Esteban de Ibarra, by having died, the Archbishop Pedro de Villagomez. This sent the 4 of September at a site to the promoter Fiscal of the Archbishop José Lara and Galván, Laureano de Mena, and the Notary John of Uriah, who verified the existence of the image of the Crucified Christ, a crowd of about two hundred people who sang the psalm miserere "Tibi soli peccavi," and the presence of the sacristan of the Parish church of San Marcelo José de Robledillo, who Jose Lara caught the attention of authorize with his presence at such meetings, arose a tumult that gathered in the place surrounding the ecclesiastical representatives who were forced to leave the place. Esteban Ibarra ruled that prohibiesen such meetings, and erased the image, so between the 6 and the 1. Promoter Fiscal of the Archbishop José Lara and Galán, a notary, possibly the same Juan de Uría, a painter native of brush gorda and the captain of the guard of the Viceroy, Pedro Balcazar, escorted by two squadrons of soldiers for the case that there is any mischief by the number of curious onlookers and neighbors that surrounded the place.