Hd Movies Ipod The First Monday In May (2016)

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Movies; Video Games;. December of 2016. Pain pas by Uruguay in may of 2016. In the north of Siberia is a long and mighty ro. In the nearby there was a fenmeno under the same name. Never, until today. Vamaganews. Vamaga is pleased to send you this Summary of News. The Summary of News does not represent the position or interest of the sponsors on the topics that are published. Comptroller calls for the appraisal of the UPUn last period, it granted the Comptroller General's office to the rector of the University of Panama (UP), Gustavo Garcia de Paredes, to give the appraisal values of the rental transactions and the sale of farms university, said to possess in a statement to social media. In a letter dated the 2. Rectory of UP, the comptroller, Federico Humbert, makes it clear to García de Paredes that in your files there are other assessments, but these do not correspond to the batches delivered on hire—up to 4. Tocumen, nor to the sale of land in the Avenida Martín Sosa and other lots. The Press)García de Paredes, is silent. The comptroller Humbert also asked the rector of the UP deliver a copy of the appraisal of the estate was sold in Rio Hato, Coclé, since it possesses the office of the Comptroller, but not that of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which also does not have it in their files. According to the Law of Public Contracting, to sell and rent property state will require two appraisals on the part of the two entities mentioned above. The Press contacted to García de Paredes, in his email, but he did not answer. You called his cellphone, but hung up immediately. The Press)Require the UP to submit appraisals. The Press today publishes the letter that the comptroller Federico Humbert has sent to the rector Gustavo García de Paredes. The publication exhibits the stamps received in the office of the rector. The Comptroller listed the farms whose appraisals are requiring, among them, the appraisal of the land leased to the company, Industrial Park and Enterprise South, S. A. , of the family Hanono. Also, has been asked by the rector appraisals of 2. Tocumen leased by 4. Consortium Pacific Atlantic, S. A. , chaired by Herman Bern and where they are partners Alejandro Hanono and Jonathan Bettsack Mature. Press)Other appraisals for those who ask. Watch Movies, Latino, HD, Estrenos 2016 As film curious. The 15 films ms expected 2016. Monday Consultation the entire. Sunday, may 1, 2016. AnyDVD HD v7. 6. 9. FINAL Multilanguage. The Plenum Of The Alien Covenant (2017) Movie. This utility decodes your movies on DVD. AEROSKULL JARRE HD Primer: Sunday 16 and Monday 17 February. VEXIA NAVLET 2 XS THE FIRST GPS WITH REAL FUNCTIONALITY TABLET. Sunday 12 and Monday 13 MAY 2013. Sources connected to the Controller's office have indicated that they still have to ask the rector Gustavo García de Paredes for the appraisals of 3. Tocumen, García de Paredes has negotiated with Btesh Virzi Real State Developers, by the figure of joint venture, in an act chosen without a public tender. The appraisals that the Comptroller is asking with insistence were recorded and reported in a meeting that took place on the 1. García de Paredes is committed to deliver all of the documentation, which to date has not done. The Press Control by the PRD triggered by the crossing of accusations. The ambition to gain control of the PRD and to influence the definition of who will be the presidential candidate that will present this group to the general election 2. After that the lawyer Guillermo Cochéz to denounce last week the use of resources of the National Assembly to finance the internal campaign of the PRD deputy Javier “Patacón” Ortega went out to the passage and said that this kind of accusations are part of the strategy used by the group of Benicio Robinson and Ernesto Pérez Balladares. The Star)Bases are tired of seeing fights in the PRDSegún Ortega, the intention is to affect the Movement of Rescue and Renewal Torrijista, led by the deputy Pedro Miguel González. Ortega warned Cochéz that “does not pay to make the game to others at the time who insisted on the internal unity of the party “because the bases are tired of seeing the PRD fighting”. Ortega also sent a message to their copartidarios stressing that “the drive is not done insulting the companions”. According to political observers, the major forces in struggle within the PRD are led by Ernesto Pérez Balladares and Martín Torrijos. The Star)Attorney Electoral investigates possible crime. The Office of Elections, in charge of Eduardo Peñaloza, initiated an investigation into the alleged use of State funds to finance the internal campaign of the PRD. The investigation is in process,” said the prosecutor Peñaloza, The Star of Panama. The lawyer Guillermo Cochéz accused the current leadership of the National Assembly, led by six deputies “rebels”, contrary to Benicio Robinson. Peñaloza has made it clear that at the investiture of the deputies shall be to the Supreme Court of Justice, the body that will record to continue the research. The Star)Executive drives a transfuguismo hidden. Panama America—daily opposition to the current government—published today, that the interference of the Executive branch in the decisions of the National Assembly continues to generate tensions with the news that it would be sponsoring the transfuguismo disguised as deputies. The discomfort occurs because from the cupola of the Government has negotiated directly with the members of other benches, making offerings important. So reported yesterday the former ambassador of Panama to the OAS, Guillermo Cochéz, who says that president Juan Carlos Varela has sponsored the transfuguismo of some mps. Panama America)Government uses trickery to control the Assembly. Dancing to 2016:Chronicle of Monday night. Photos, and videos. Iliana Calabr and Fernando Castro. Agustn Casanova and Josephine Oriozabala. On a Monday night. Stella Mac Dougall on May 26, 2016 at 13:13 said: Hello Cochéz reported that there are procurements of helicopters that benefit the deputy Pedro Miguel González as allow you to perform the inspection of social projects, functions, which—according to Cochéz—it is up to the ministers of State. For his part, the deputy González has pointed out that the inspection of projects is made depending on the role revisor that the constitution should be exercised by the Assembly. Cochéz also referred to the appointment of the wife of the deputy Ortega as ambassador to Belize. Panama America)Reject accusations of Cochéz. Summary of News. -Monday, may 30, 2016. Divx Xvid Ride Along 2 (2016).